OLED Technology Will Probably Be Delayed By Years Now

The economy, yay.

With the recent downturn in the economy, I don't think too many OLED manufacturers are going to start cranking out big production quantities and new factories. I doubt they're even going to invest much in their legacy LCD and Plasma technology. There's a pretty high likelihood that there are going to be some huge overproduction in LCD modules these days that won't get bought up by the market, which doesn't really pave the way for newer advanced tech like OLED.

No more LCD Price-Fixing

Another factor is the recent price-fixing case against several major LCD manufacturers. So, now the money flowing into LCD manufacturers is going to drop. On the plus side, LCD prices should hopefully drop, but some of that money may have very well gone to OLED tech development. OLED production plans may very well be scaled back (as research and development usually are), to keep shareholders happy when those lucrative LCD module prices stop.

OLED set back 5 years

So, I'm going to say that OLED tech and it ending up in the hands of the consumer has just been set back at least 5 years. Many are going to consider LCD "good enough" for a little while, especially on TV screens and Computer monitors. People won't splurge on OLED laptop panels even if they do come out, just because of cutbacks on spending on luxuries (like an extra hour of battery life).

We'll see what happens with SED or the like...